
destroy if dead box canva

"Destroy if Dead" boxes for important personal ...

At EasyGenie, we think a lot about long-term preservation of genealogy and family history (see “Legacy list: What would you pass down to your heirs?”) These discussions occasionally touch upon...

"Destroy if Dead" boxes for important personal ...

At EasyGenie, we think a lot about long-term preservation of genealogy and family history (see “Legacy list: What would you pass down to your heirs?”) These discussions occasionally touch upon...

Genealogy book based on newsletter

How EasyGenie's popular weekly newsletter got t...

Every week since late 2020, the EasyGenie newsletter has been a part of my life and many readers’ lives as well. It’s fun to share discoveries, tips, observations, and news...

How EasyGenie's popular weekly newsletter got t...

Every week since late 2020, the EasyGenie newsletter has been a part of my life and many readers’ lives as well. It’s fun to share discoveries, tips, observations, and news...

Rootstech 2025 recommended online sessions

Our list of recommended virtual sessions for Ro...

It’s that time of the year - Rootstech kicks off in less than a week! Even if you are not able to attend the genealogy expo in Salt Lake City...

Our list of recommended virtual sessions for Ro...

It’s that time of the year - Rootstech kicks off in less than a week! Even if you are not able to attend the genealogy expo in Salt Lake City...

Norumbega Tower: a bizarre monument to a nonexistent Viking settlement

Norumbega Tower: a bizarre monument to a nonexi...

Nine miles west of Boston, not far from our home, there is a remarkable monument celebrating history that never happened. In New England, history is everywhere. Place names reflect Native...

Norumbega Tower: a bizarre monument to a nonexi...

Nine miles west of Boston, not far from our home, there is a remarkable monument celebrating history that never happened. In New England, history is everywhere. Place names reflect Native...

10 generation chart 1,024 ancestors

The surprising genealogy math about our ancesto...

Let's talk about genealogy math, starting with a question customers sometimes pose: Why doesn’t EasyGenie sell charts that are bigger than the 22” by 36” 10-generation pedigree chart shown above?...

The surprising genealogy math about our ancesto...

Let's talk about genealogy math, starting with a question customers sometimes pose: Why doesn’t EasyGenie sell charts that are bigger than the 22” by 36” 10-generation pedigree chart shown above?...

6 best streaming historical dramas for genealogy fans

6 best streaming historical dramas for genealog...

Nicole and I want to share some of our favorite historical dramas available on streaming services. We love them not only for the great acting and costumes, but also for...

6 best streaming historical dramas for genealog...

Nicole and I want to share some of our favorite historical dramas available on streaming services. We love them not only for the great acting and costumes, but also for...