
ATTENTION: There is a fake job offer on LinkedIn for "remote data entry" at EasyGenie. IT IS A SCAM. There is no such job at our company. Please do not contact us about this nonexistent job that we did not post - there will be no response. To learn more about scam job offers, please read this article on how online job scams operate.

For questions about EasyGenie genealogy charts: Please read the EasyGenie frequently asked questions (FAQ) before reaching out. Common questions about our products are listed there. 

EasyGenie forms are published by i30 Media Corporation. Our contact address is:

i30 Media Corporation
PO Box 66121
Auburndale, MA 02466
United States of America


We do not have U.S. retail locations, although some EasyGenie products are sold by retail partners.

Use the contact form below to send us an email. We will try to respond within one business day. Be sure to click the SEND button - you will see a confirmation message once it is sent.

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