Free genealogy sites we love
We know readers love FREE - the top PDF download on is our free 5-generation pedigree chart to print out at home.
We have some other free charts to share, as well as websites and other FREE genealogy resources we regularly turn to to conduct research and get inspiration.
Free genealogy records
FamilySearch is the best source for free genealogy records, from Austrian Church records to U.S. federal census returns. We regularly download images of original records for our own files, or consult the FamilySearch wiki for information about specific records types from nearly every nation and territory in the world. FamilySearch is a service of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Free U.S. military records
The National Archives has millions of physical records, as well as a limited number of online resources including historical U.S. Navy muster rolls, photos, and other accounts. A separate NARA page contains records of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Note that search is limited on these sites, and some links are slow to load.
Free historical maps
The Library of Congress has free historical maps that show land ownership, business locations, and more. We have found ancestors properties on regional U.S. maps from the 1800s, as well as ancient maps from South America, Europe, and Asia.
Free genealogy charts
We think EasyGenie's printable blank PDF charts have the best designs, including our 5-generation pedigree chart, a genealogy interview sheet for kids, and the cemetery map worksheet. For people with trees on FamilySearch, you can print free fan charts that include your ancestors' names.
Free yearbooks
Did you have an ancestor who was the first in her family to graduate from high school or college? The Internet Archive has historical yearbook images going back to the 1800s from schools across the United States. Note the site can be slow.