History Mystery #6: Mysterious Viking artifact stumps the experts
Ian LamontIt's been a while since we had a history mystery, but here's a good one. What was the following item used for?
Hints: It is estimated to be 1000 years old, made of hardwood, and found in a Scandinavian mountain pass once used by travelers, merchants, peasants, pilgrims, soldiers, herders, bandits, and others.
Another hint: Archaeologists and modern experts didn't know what it was until an elderly woman visiting a museum exhibit informed them of its very specific purpose, indicating it was used until the 20th century!
We will reveal the answer in the next EasyGenie newsletter (free sign up here).
If you are new to EasyGenie history mysteries, you can check out #5 from last fall, "Who really wrote Shakespeare's plays?" on our blog.
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