Multiple spouse genealogy forms coming in April!

Multiple spouse genealogy forms coming in April!

Ian Lamont

We wanted to give EasyGenie fans an update on the new genealogy forms we are developing with spaces for multiple spouses.

After receiving lots of feedback from our newsletter and the EasyGenie Facebook page (thank you!), we passed the new designs to our printer and placed an order last week for 200 Blended Family Genealogy Kits with Multiple Spouses. Delivery is set for mid-April, at which point we can start taking orders!

There will be two types of sheets included in the kit:

Family group sheet for blended families/multiple spouses (six 8.5 x 11 inch double-sided sheets)

Large-print six generation pedigree chart with multiple spouses (six 17 x 22 inch sheets folded to 8.5 x 11 inches for easy storage) (see inset image, below)

Genealogy chart with multiple spouses

We will share more details once the new kit is ready. There will be an official announcement online and on our Facebook page, but the best way to get notified about this or any other product launches in the future is to sign up for our free genealogy newsletter.

Stay tuned!

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