RootsTech virtual sessions we're watching this year
RootsTech holds fond memories for Nicole and I. We attended RootsTech 2019 in person, setting up a booth for EasyGenie and meeting hundreds of people who loved genealogy ... and were curious about EasyGenie genealogy charts!
It was also mind-blowing to see the crowds, booths, educational sessions, and special speakers. Some innovative companies arrived with cutting-edge genealogy services, including one service that claimed it could reliably test old stamps and envelopes for DNA of ancestors who were long passed. Imagine what that could do for your tree!
We're not going to Salt Lake City this week, but we're highlighting 11 super interesting Roostech virtual sessions that we want to see (free to watch with registration):
- There is More than Census Records and Vital Records (link)
- African American Resources on FamilySearch (link)
- Five Google Hacks to Decipher Your German Documents (link)
- 10 Sources for Researching Your Scottish Ancestors – Without Certificates! (link)
- An Introduction to Scandinavian Church Records (link)
- Y-DNA: How To Read the Y-DNA haplotree (link)
- AncestryDNA 101 (link)
- Searching Newspapers (link)
- Considering Age When Researching Your Ancestors (link)
- My Messy Complicated Birth Roots Story (link)
- Are You Your Own Brick Wall? Common Genealogical Mistakes and How to Overcome Them (link)
If you're not sure what to do or see at RootsTech, visit the excellent Getting Started page.