The 50 year genealogy club
From time to time, we get messages from family historians who have been doing genealogy for decades. The current record holder is 80 years (started at 14, wrote to us at age 94), but there are many other members of the 50 year genealogy club. One EasyGenie newsletter reader told us:
Not long after I married in 1961, I received as a gift from a great aunt copies of two books she had written, one on each side of her family history. I was immediately bitten by the genealogy bug and began researching other branches of my ancestry. In those days it was all done by U. S. Mail. Now I use my computer. I will be 80 this year and after 60 years, a few months ago I had the great joy of discovering the names of my 6th great grand parents (maternal line).
There was a story from another reader involving a relative who was reluctant to part with her records ... but at least allowed for copies to be made:
I started when my Aunt let me go to her house when I was about 40, to copy the work she’d done. She didn’t let it go out of the house! It was about the time when I was looking for something more in my life! I found it I guess as I’m still at it and I’m 91 now! ❤️
As many genealogists know, the best discoveries don't take place on Ancestry, but from family members and older relatives who are willing to explain what they know and share items that they've gathered. Some of these discussions and copies can even help break through brick walls!
Image credit: May Sutton, Library of Congress collection