3 reasons we are giving away a free genealogy PDF with fillable text
Ian LamontLast week we announced a new free genealogy PDF with fillable text, the Extended Family Notes (link). Among the responses was this one:
"I want to thank you for allowing me to download a free copy of Extended Family Notes. I know I will use this form often. I just love everything I have purchased from your company ... actual forms I fill out at home and the PDF fillable forms I fill out on my computer. They all add so much to my research and the look of my family research. I love how organized I feel. Thank you very much for your generosity on allowing this free download and thank you for continually educating me with your newsletters. What a wonderful company."
We were so touched. As a family-owned business, we strive to provide better services and unique genealogy charts you won't find anywhere else. We are so glad our mission resonates with many of you!
The free chart with fillable text is not only a way to say "thanks" to our newsletter subscribers, but also to encourage you to see what else we have to offer. The free chart happens to be part of the Genealogy Stories Kit (PDF) which includes a total of 5 fillable genealogy PDFs, including:
- Genealogy dossier (double-sided)
- Visual family group sheet
- Extended family branches worksheet
- Extended family notes
- Four-generation pedigree chart

There's another reason we are giving away the fillable Extended Family Notes chart for free. We want to get everyone excited for fillable text charts with cursive fonts, coming later in the autumn. We have a sneak peak video showing the fillable cursive text on YouTube. Stay tuned!