Why are there no cross-referencing fields on the genealogy PDFs?

Ian Lamont

A common question we have received from a few dedicated genealogists is whether an additional field can be added for each name on the EasyGenie fillable PDFs in order to add cross-referencing information

A typical scenario: "See Jacob Smith b 1735 chart, cell #24." Ahnentafel or other referencing systems are possible, too. 

While extra fields for references or other purposes can be added to some names, there is not enough space for the more distant generations. For instance, in the sample at the top of the newsletter, the names starting at cell #32 don't have any space to add another field. 

What we have done for some of the large-print pedigree charts is to add a "notes" field below some names, or, in the case of the large-print 6-generation fillable genealogy pedigree chart and blended family genealogy PDFs, a larger free-form notes field in the upper-left quadrant that can be used for cross-referencing, stories, or other annotations. It's not ideal, but with a piece of paper (or size-constrained PDF) there is a limit on how many fields the design can include before sacrifices have to be made to make more room for the extra fields.

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