
How are EasyGenie forms different than the free...

Sometimes people ask us why bother purchasing our printed genealogy forms, when it's possible to download free genealogy forms off the Internet. There are a number of reasons why.  Reason #1 EasyGenie forms...

How are EasyGenie forms different than the free...

Sometimes people ask us why bother purchasing our printed genealogy forms, when it's possible to download free genealogy forms off the Internet. There are a number of reasons why.  Reason #1 EasyGenie forms...

How far back can you go with EasyGenie genealog...

I received a great question from someone on Facebook about how far back you can go with EasyGenie genealogy charts: How far back does the big print go? I can...

How far back can you go with EasyGenie genealog...

I received a great question from someone on Facebook about how far back you can go with EasyGenie genealogy charts: How far back does the big print go? I can...

Why don't pedigree charts show siblings of ance...

Someone wrote to EasyGenie asking where to write the names of siblings of grandparents, great-grandparents, and further back on our new 10-generation pedigree chart. It's a good question. Pedigree charts are meant to...

Why don't pedigree charts show siblings of ance...

Someone wrote to EasyGenie asking where to write the names of siblings of grandparents, great-grandparents, and further back on our new 10-generation pedigree chart. It's a good question. Pedigree charts are meant to...

Genealogy gift idea: filled-in genealogy charts for non-genealogists

Genealogy gift idea: filled-in genealogy charts...

Filled-in EasyGenie pedigree and fan charts make great gifts for non-genealogist friends who may not know much beyond their grandparents' generation. It's very easy to do, especially if you have...

Genealogy gift idea: filled-in genealogy charts...

Filled-in EasyGenie pedigree and fan charts make great gifts for non-genealogist friends who may not know much beyond their grandparents' generation. It's very easy to do, especially if you have...

UPDATED: EasyGenie on the road: winter/spring 2020

UPDATED: EasyGenie on the road: winter/spring 2020

On the road again! EasyGenie will be stopping at genealogy events large and small across the U.S. in the coming months. It's a great opportunity to see a selection of unique...

UPDATED: EasyGenie on the road: winter/spring 2020

On the road again! EasyGenie will be stopping at genealogy events large and small across the U.S. in the coming months. It's a great opportunity to see a selection of unique...

RootsTech video walkthrough

Wondering what it's like to be at RootsTech? EasyGenie did a two-minute walkthrough of RootsTech Salt Lake City last month. Check it out!   

RootsTech video walkthrough

Wondering what it's like to be at RootsTech? EasyGenie did a two-minute walkthrough of RootsTech Salt Lake City last month. Check it out!